At what age is a chihuahua puppy able to hold his potty thru the night?

At what age is a chihuahua puppy able to hold his potty thru the night?

From my experience, a chihuahua should be able to sleep through the night at around 6-7 months. But this is highly individual, just like people. Some people, no matter how old they are, have to get up several times a night to go to the bathroom. The same is true for chihuahuas. It’s not so much dependent on age, as on the individual dog. I have a routine with my dogs before going to bed, I tell them “beddy bye bye” and I bring them to the paper. I wait for them to drink some water and go potty before they go to sleep.

Most dogs know instinctively not to go potty in their own beds. So if your chihuahua is sleeping in his crate, he wouldn’t want to soil his bedding. If he needs to go, he might whine or scratch the door to be let out.


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May 3, 2008

Natalie :

Tequila, my 5 month old chihuahua, sleeps in bed with me. I’ve potty trained her using the scented floor diapers and she knows that if she needs to go potty she has to run into the bathroom where her diaper is. I got her when she was about 2 months old and at her 3rd month she was already sleeping through the entire night and waking up in the morning to run to the bathroom. My secret was that I gave her about ten minutes to eat her food (her hamster sized plates are in the bathroom) and then she learnt to automatically go potty after she ate. She also learnt that if she did everything in the bathroom she would have my permission to wander around the house. At the beginning of course she did not understand that she had to use the diapers, but she gradually understood. She first urinated on the diapers and then she learnt she had to poop on them too. I must say Chihuahuas are probably one of the most intelligent breeds alive!!

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May 3, 2008

Cindy :

Yes, chihuahuas are smarter than most people think. They certainly do not let their small size get in the way of learning anything. My dog Dottie wakes me up at night by pawing on my arm to let her down from the bed to go the bathroom or get a drink of water.

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August 12, 2008

Alex :

If they were so smart they would be as easily trained as other dogs, which they are not.

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August 12, 2008

Cindy :

When I see a dog who’s not well trained, it’s usually because of the owner and not the dog. People let their chihuahuas get away with a lot of bad behavior because it’s not so bad when they’re so little. For example, you would never let a Rottweiler puppy growl at or jump on people, but people let their chihuahuas get away with these things. If a labrador retriever has an accident in the house, it’s a huge mess, and you work hard to housebreak the dog. Chihuahuas pee and poop a little and you think to yourself, it’s not so bad to clean up, so you’re less vigilant about it. There are definitely breeds out there that are very intelligent and have vocabularies of 200 words, chihuahuas are not one of these, but they’re definitely not dumb dogs.

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August 18, 2008

J.C. :

My chihuahua ‘Louis’ is 10wk now. He is still potty training, so he make mess sometimes outside of pad specially when he feels anxiety. He has separate anxiety. He sleep with us on bed. He hold his pee and poo and when he has to go, he wakes us up, usually around 9am. He stand at the edge of the bed to let us know he is full of pee or poo. Then, I put him on the pad next to bed and he goes pee there after about 4,5 seconds later. He seems like don’t want to mess up where he sleeps. But, on the living room carpet, he is still training.(and it’s painful)

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August 30, 2008

Robyn :


I have a Teacup Chihuahua and a Doberman. The chi is 7 mts (today!!) and the Dobe is 14 mts. tell me then ALEX why my chihuahua is fully trained and noteably well behaved, when my Doberman (who has been in training and obed. classes) is the total opposite. Im sorry, but I have to say that Chihuahua`s take the cake when it comes to smarts babe, at least when it comes to a doberman.

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January 16, 2009

marlen farias :

a verdad no se como hacerle, porque yo estoy llena de chihuahuas, mi Rita, que casi tiene 2 años, no puede avisarme, la mayoria de las veces la saco y la dejo un rato, cuando veo q ya hizo, la meto… pero si por alguna razon no la saco, ella no me pide ir afuera, y se hace dentro de la casa…
es horrible…
mi otro chihuaha tiene 6 meses y el casi esta entrenado, aveces comete errores pero es mas facil
tengo 4 chi de casi 2 meses, y la mayoria hace pipi en el periodico y la popo en todos lados… pero no se como hacerle con la rita, porq neceita vigilancia

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September 10, 2009

sandrar :

Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

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